marți, 9 ianuarie 2024

Reimagining High School: A Call to Redefine Class Sizes and Prioritize Student Well-being

"Out of Bounds: The Struggle of 18-Year-Olds in Conventional Classrooms"

"At 18, Kids Can't Fit in School Desks Anymore. And They Shouldn't."

"School Overload: The Daily Battle of 18 and 19-Year-Olds in Crowded Classrooms"

"The Classroom Dilemma: Overloaded and Sleep-Deprived Teens Beg for Change"

"Breaking the Chains: The Cry for Freedom in Overcrowded High School Classrooms"

"Revolutionizing Education: A Plea for Fewer Students, More Space, and Better Learning"

"Beyond the Desk: The Unsettling Reality of Overpopulated Classrooms for 18-Year-Olds"

"Reimagining High School: A Call to Redefine Class Sizes and Prioritize Student Well-being"

18 and 19-Year-Olds Can't Sit in Desks Anymore. Neither Could I.

Nor should they.

30 bodies, 30 fragrances, 30 breaths. Day in and day out, for hours.

At the movies, at the theater, you come and go. You don't sit for 5 days a week for 6 hours each.

Many of my kids, both girls and boys, are seriously affected. They doze off, sleep outright, look pale, suffer from school-induced nausea, vomiting. They crave cigarettes, alcohol, coffee. Shawarmas, energy drinks. 'Sir, WE WANT TO GO TO THE STORE, I want to eat something sweet!' 'WE WANT TO GO HOME TO SLEEP!' Some even kiss. It makes me sick.

18-year-olds no longer fit in desks. Some are nearly 2 meters tall.

There are pilot high schools where, at least for half a year, students only attend for subjects related to the final exams.

I would do the whole country like that.

And do it, dad, make classes with fewer kids, from 2 classes, make 3. So they can breathe, communicate, negotiate. Hire more teachers. We don't have money! Tough luck!

The teacher will be a mere supervisor of the whims of the affected kids, their tones. An assistant to the kids studying TikTok, Insta, Youtube, betting houses. Plus, a 'Well done, you have style!' all the time, phew... what an idea I had, I'd better grade this, on fashion. And I say to myself, Julian Black. For example, does a black bra go with a pink blouse? Or yellow.

Don't keep the kids in chains at school, stuck to each other, suffering from height issues, unable to stand vertically. I was wrong when I said there were 30 scents; no, there are at least 60. Garlic, mayonnaise, meat. Energy drinks, a multitude of vitamins. Vanilla, Cocoa. Electronic puffs. Plastic clothes.

Let the kids be free; they have nothing to do in school anymore. They might as well give birth there in the desks soon.

Vali Nicolae

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